More about pilates
Equipment classes involve the Pilates equipment including the Reformer, Trapeze Table, Wundachair, and various smaller devices and toys that enhance the Pilates work. In shared appointments, two or three clients work on the various pieces of equipment and rotate thru all of them within the hour session.
Whether you need help with pain management, want to increase your range of motion, or strengthen your body overall, you’ve come to the right place.
The Pilates classes, Dance Medicine sessions and educational workshops will bring healing to your body and more enjoyment to your favorite activities. Amy Anderson, owner of Engage Movement Arts, provides private, small group, and classes through her private practice, at Denver Dance Center. She has 25 years of experience working with people in chronic pain, auto-immune diseases, post-surgery, athletic and dance injuries, arthritis, auto accidents, etc.
Amy is an expert in Dance injuries, specializing in technique correction and enhancement, pain issues , and injury recovery for the amateur, pre-professional and professional dancer.
Amy is also a Level One Certified Low Pressure Fitness Trainer (www.lowpressurefitness.us) for deep core training and pelvic floor issues.
Click here for the schedule of individual and group sessions.